Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quite day at home...

Day 40:

Hello everyone!!

Today was a cold quite day at home...:-)

Morning breakfast : cornflakes

The day passed with mumma, papa and Ashvat, loitering and lazing around...

Ashvat: " Find me :-)"

Except... Mama suddenly found that she couldn't find Ashvat's little food containers that we use to carry his food along with us everywhere we go, and then she suddenly realized that we had forgotten our little one's food containers at the Vitra Design Cafe yesterday and she began to feel really really bad about it. So she prepared for a quick trip all the way back to Germany, to the Vitra Design Museum, in good faith and with the strong conviction to find her little baby's food containers, and would you believe it... she came back with them... A big big CONGRATS Mama : ) Really Really WELL DONE !

Well. That was the little adventure for the day. Time for dinner now.

Dal & Chawal :-)

Alright goodnight for today, hopefully tomorrow I will come back with something interesting...
Love to all... :-)


  1. Good Good !!! great effort!!! Lucky to have found them after making that trip to Germany. I have my doubts you would have found them in India though. Sorry to say this. AN d lots of puchies to my crawling baby and what is this? A soother? why? needs some more conforting??
    Ok then lots of love to you all .
    Bye Ma

  2. hahaha....thats not a soother mumma...thats his octopus...:-)
