Sunday, July 24, 2011

Museum day 3

Day 24:

Another day spent at yet another museum...Museum fur gegenwartskunst basel (museum for modern art)...

Mumma and baby's day started early...Baby waits patiently for papa to wake up as mumma jumps out to make my darlings porridge...

Morning exotic breakfast: Anda bhurji and toast...

After the breakfast a little pow-wow with Nanima...

Ashvat stretches on the table as we get set to get out...

 The Museum:

On our way back...Ashvat keep us entertained with his continuous singing...:-)

Dinner time...

Special pizzas today:

1.  Salami picanto with mushrooms

2. Mix veg with cheese...

3. Grilled chicken with peppers...

Aahh...totally stuffed...:-)

Time for bed now for me but for Mr. Rockstar, time to worship bible no.2...

Some energy I must say :-)

Time for family pictures...


Good night...


  1. This must be said...the dinner was absolutely FANTASTIC...specially considering that Mama kept shuffling between baby and the food cooking, since the little on kept getting up from sleep this evening... inspite of all that... GREAT SPREAD : ) Thanks baby... Lots of love and a BIG Huggie : 0 ))

  2. Touch Wood!!! and bas mooh me paani aata hi gaya while surfing down the page from one pizza to another --have got greatly motivated, cant resist..... and yo...we too plan to have a pizza party today.

    The museum is so wonderful and the way they have preserved the works-i think- in the glass enclosures- please correct me if I'm wrong

    AND Lovely pictures too specially No. 3 & 7.
    Lots of hugs to you all beta and ...the moo moo dear too.

  3. my dearest 3 cupcakes.
    sorry have not been able to email you guys, even though have been meaning to for a while now. just been so hectic with getting everything ready for the store opening, plus rushing to noida etc.

    i love the family pictures, and tarun the last one in the series of you and ashvat is so lovely. your face is looking so sharp, so handsome my brother looks.
    the one of three of you is just lovely, i cant get over how you all seem to be blossoming. switzerland suits you all for sure. cookie is getting bigger and bigger, hope he doesnt become bigger than his bua by the time he gets back.
    we miss u. will miss u even more at the opening. ill email u pics from rahul's phone.
    take care and eat more. the pizzas look , so delicious.
    love u all. hugs an kisseess.

  4. The pizzas look top end gourmet!Dont eat too much!Ha,Ha!Adorable pics of our progeny!Big bear hugs for all...and ofcourse, one extra BIG one for my Special Darling!
