Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natural History Museum.

Day 28:

Hello everyone...Yet another museum day today...Natural History Museum...

Morning was nice and rain today...

Made some disastrous looking fried eggs for breakfast...dont know what happened to them in the pan, they just disintegrated...:-(

Ashvat sliding all around the apartment...

Totally awestruck by rockstar papa and the guitar...lovely moment...enjoyed it as papa played one tune after the another for the little rockstar...:-)

All set and ready...Ashvat just up from his afternoon nap...

On our way...preparations in full swing for the national day celebrations...

Natural History Museum....

Baby monkey looking at the baby elephant...

My brave baby...

Big collection of birds...

And an amazingly beautiful collection of butterflies...unbelievable..

This is an ant factory...they grow red ants in it...creepy...

On our way out...

Small but mouthwatering toy shop...

Snack time...

 This is a famous art cafe...

Found some interesting tram coaches...

yes, thats a piggy bank...:-)

Graffiti special...

How do you like my new car??

These are our apartment windows from the outside...

A cute little apple tree right opposite our place...

Dinner time...Some grilled sausages with tomatoes and potatoes...:-)

thats all for now...will see you tomorrow...maybe with another museum :-):-)
Good Night!


  1. Today my eight month old baby is crawling on all fours.Very soon he will want to stand and you won't even know --- he'll start walking in maybe another month or so. Lovely pics of my yoga enthusiast....

    And I loved the guitar pictures. All these days I was wondering whether Tarun took his guitar along and now he can also play with the floating stage band. can he join them?????
    the apple tree looks so inviting and the creepers on your building very pretty.

    Amazing butterflies..... God is Great!!!!

    luv to you all and puchies to Ashwat baby


  2. What a lovely 8 month birthday present-interaction wiyh nature and all things beautiful!I can already visualise my darling walkie talkie toddling about and soon uttering his first coherentwords,which are bound to be mama and papa(in that order)!
    Special hugs and kisses for my Ashwat today with love and blessings from dadaji n dadiji!The beautiful creeper on your roofis amazing!By the way what is it called?The apples look too tempting!Am already conjuring up a delicious Waldorf with them!
    Lots of love n Hugs!Mama

  3. by the way people it is Ashvat and not Ashwat....thanku...will find out about the creeper...dont know the name...and no tarun cannot join them :-) these are proper bands paid to to both of u...ciao..
