Saturday, July 23, 2011

Museum Day again...

Day 23:

Hello people!!

Today was the day to visit the Kunstmusuem...

And my much art to take in...was exhausting...
Beautiful works from the masters...didnt even know half the names...

But Mr Rawat was too thrilled and awed to even blink :-)...and for the Rawat junior, he had a blast, seemed unusually happy the whole of three hours that we were there...

So we had an early start with a haphazard mismatched breakfast :-)
Some Baguette ham sandwhich, cornflakes, fruit..etc.etc,

Ashvat, the monkey tries to climb the pillar...

We arrive at the Kunstmusuem...

The super excited baby makes some more friends at the museum shop...

Now for the evening snack at the fancy Museum Cafe...

After a beautiful day at the museum we head home...came across some famous chocolate shops of Switzerland...

This one is very famous for its macaroons...

World renowned for their liquor chocolates...expect some gifts guys...:-)

Outside our house...walk along the river Rhine...

Simple dinner: Dal, chawal and papad...

Yum yum!!


Good Night darlings!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully put, as always baby... lots and lots of love from papa and the little monkey... a Big Big Huggie : 0 )
