Monday, July 4, 2011

Uner Huas (Our Home)

Day 4: continued...

Tarun took some timeout to catalogue our apartment and the beautiful surrounding area...enjoy!!

and this is our apartment....

So now...the day started with a light breakfast as Tarun had to head out early... Toast, Jam, Butter and cheese..and ofcourse the espresso :-)

My little monkey eating his porridge with mumma and papa...

And after some food it is time for a nice the Supermart !!

Papa and baby posing outside the Kunst Museum...

Now that we have managed to buy the whole of the supermart....let me think where to fit it in....

Here is the pantry...with bare minimum supplies for tonight's dinner and tomorrow's breakfast...

At the end of an another beautiful day, we decide to seal it with a lovely, balmy walk along the Rhine river...

 Ok, back home at 8:00 p.m. (look at the light outside) and my little angel still in high spirits....

OK , I can prove to you that I can eat just about anything... :-)

Time for another romantic dinner but this time with the works...candle light :-)

Grilled Chicken, Curry and some steamed rice....yum yum!!

Well, Tarun said that it was tasty, so I would give myself an 'A'....

Good Night Darlings....  


  1. this is so marvelous!!! its like being there with you all and indeed.... a very beautiful place riddhi

  2. thank u ma...u r the first one to comment :-)
